воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

country land promise song

Entrepreneurs as a group rank high in confidence. They are true believers in what they are doing and they see the path to success. And some can achieve this success without help from anyone outside their organization.

Some are extraordinarily talented or smart or focused. Others have hired well and have within their organization all of the competencies the organization requires to be successful under existing circumstances.

On the other hand, circumstances can change, and existing competencies cannot address the new circumstances. If such is the case, the wily entrepreneur must become better educated quickly, must hire new people with new areas of expertise or must look outside for consultants. To do nothing invites disaster.

My guess is that if a poll was taken among entrepreneurs, consultants would rank right there with bankers and politicians. They are a fact of life, and I might have to deal with them, but I don't have to like them. It has been said that consultants "borrow your watch to tell you what time it is."

I can't argue with that view as a broad indictment. There are many consultants that do not add value, that make recommendations and then disappear, and that leave a business more in disarray than in an improved state. Those folks just don't get it They don't get what entrepreneurs are going through emotionally, they don't have the emotional intelligence to get invested in what they are doing in a client's business. They remain detached from what is really going on.

I understand why many entrepreneurs shy away from hiring consultants, even when they need one badly.

So, what should an entrepreneur do? Do your homework. Search for a consultant that has experience in the area that requires work in your business. If you are not sure what is wrong, invite several different consultants in to talk. You can tell by their questions to you if they are "peeling the onion", digging deep to see the root cause of your problems.

Once you narrow it down to two or three, get written proposals and see how accountable they hold themselves for results. See if they stick around to implement their recommendations. See if they have clear cut objectives. See if you connect with them, and if they connect with you. Then choose.

Your job is to provide the information and they access the consultant needs and more importantly, to hold the consultant accountable for providing what has been promised. Even this year, I had an experience with an internet consultant that was frustrating and expensive. The terms of the contract were clear in my mind (and I am a lawyer), but in the end I got much less than what I thought I had paid for. I hired a consultant because i had no time to think about, much less handle my internet marketing, and I thought I bought a full-service solution to the problem. Boy, was I wrong.

So, be careful, but do not fail to act. Do not refuse to seek help for fear of choosing wrong. Act and choose wisely. And you will derive the benefit you desire.

country land promise song, country land most own, country land liberty sweet thee tis, country land golf course.

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